Capturing Resilience
The School of Ecological Sciences Engineering at Purdue University hold an annual summit about environmentally friendly practices. This year, I was recruited to design a logo, and brand the 2013 summit. The summit is titled "Capturing Resilience". After a lot of conversation with the Summit board, I started understanding what they were trying to achieve through this summit, what "resilience" meant in ecological terms. Going from that, the logo was developed, and the other elements were based on that logo.
Capturing Resilience is the Ecological Sciences and Engineering's annual summit for scholars in the field. They talk and discuss ways of implimenting more efficient- both economical and environmental- ways of human habitation and growth. This year, they approached me to design a logo for the summit, and develop further print and digital materials as needed.
Logo for Capturing Resilience 2013

Event Poster, 11x17, Print

Agenda Handouts, 8.5x11, double sided print.

Display Agenda Posters at Event, 30x38 inches, Large Format Print, Mounted on Foam Core.

Flyers, 2.3x2.8 in, Printed on 8.5x11 (4) copies, cropped to size.

Powerpoint Opening Slide for 3MT Event. Digital.